ISSN 2522-9451
DOI: 10.69495

Dear readers!

The main goal for the establishment of our journal is to contribute positively to the development of our national economy by publishing scientific-theoretical research and their resultsrelated to the science of economics which is one of the main building blocks of the development of our country as well as all the fields of our national economy, and by benefiting from international experience.

We have focused on constructing our operational standards in line with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan Republic and by following the international standards.

In our journal, scientific articles are published in four languages (Azerbaijani, Turkish, English and Russian) by applying serious resuscitation.

The journal targets to increase the local and international competitiveness by benefiting from the world’s leading scientific publications,establishing close collaborations with well-known science and education institutions in the world and sending printed copies to world-renowned science and education institutions and libraries.

Dear friends! Let’s conquer the peaks of science together!

Yours sincerely, İAJ